Assess, Improve, Secure: Discover Your Cybersecurity Maturity

By New Era Technology - 5 Oct, 2023
Cyber Security Security
6 Minutes Read

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

In line with its 2023 theme ‘Be cyber wise – don’t compromise,’ the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) advocates for a proactive approach to cybersecurity. The ACSC recommends four essential strategies to improve cyber resilience, highlighting the significance of proactive involvement.

  • Keep devices up to date to ensure protection against known vulnerabilities.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security, safeguarding your accounts.
  • Back up critical files to preserve essential data in case of unforeseen incidents.
  • Employ passphrases and password managers to help create robust defenses against cyber threats.

The urgency for such measures is underscored by the rising number of cybercrime reports. The ACSC’s Annual Threat Report for the 2021-22 financial year revealed a concerning trend, with one cybercrime reported every seven minutes, marking a 13% increase from the previous year. By taking these simple steps, everyone can actively contribute to making Australia the most secure place for online connections. The ACSC provides resources to guide everyone in strengthening their cybersecurity practices and avoiding compromises of their devices and accounts. 

Assess, Improve, Secure: Discover Your Cybersecurity Maturity

They say, “Knowing is the first step to understanding,” and what follows is taking action to address it, making informed decisions, and bringing about positive change. A good starting point to do this is through an initial assessment, even in the form of a simple quiz!

This quiz takes inspiration from various cyber security assessment tools developed by esteemed government organisations as well as other institutions that shaped our cyber security programs today.  

The primary goal of this quiz is to identify problem areas that require immediate attention for the purpose of raising awareness. It does not offer an in-depth analysis of an organisation’s cyber security in each aspect thus, the need for cyber security experts’ assistance. However, it can be a first step in assessing and improving your cyber security maturity toward securing your organisation’s capabilities which would lead to enhanced digital stability and strengthened trust and confidence with your valued customers and shareholders.   

Take the quiz honestly and to the best of your knowledge regarding your organisation’s cybersecurity practices in specific domains to discover its plausible cyber security maturity. 

Cyber Security Maturity Level Outcomes

The Cyber Security Maturity Level Quiz has a number of possible outcomes, each having a unique impact on your organisation. Knowing that your cyber defences are strong and ready to take on any attacks is encouraging if you find that your score represents a considerably high level of maturity. This outcome validates your current security precautions and can increase stakeholder confidence. On the other hand, if the test results show that you may use some improvement, there is no need to panic. This knowledge acts as a wake-up call, identifying opportunities for your organisation to strengthen its cyber security posture. It can open the door for proactive steps, assisting you in spotting weaknesses, bolstering policies, and putting more potent security procedures into place. In both cases, the quiz serves as a valuable tool to guide your organisation toward a safer and more secure digital future.

Here are the possible results and what they signify for your organisation after taking the Cyber Security Maturity Level Quiz:

Outcome 1: Very Low Maturity Level

If your score reveals that your organisation has a very low maturity level, this means that it has substantial cyber security vulnerabilities and needs immediate attention to address critical risks. It is imperative to take immediate action and consult with cyber security experts to strengthen your cyber security defences.

Outcome 2: Low Maturity Level

If your score reveals that your organisation has a low maturity level, it means that it has limited cyber security measures and faces significant vulnerabilities. Urgent improvements are necessary and similar to Very Low Maturity Level, immediate action must be taken, including consulting with cyber security experts.

Outcome 3: Moderate Maturity Level

If your score reveals that your organisation has a moderate maturity level, it means that it has basic cyber security practices but requires further development and enhancement of its security posture. It is suggested to take actions for improvement like seeking professional service from cyber security experts. 

Outcome 4: High Maturity Level

If your score reveals that your organisation has a moderate maturity level, it means that it has a strong cyber security posture with effective measures in place, actively managing and mitigating risks. For continuous enhancement, you might want to consider consulting with cyber security experts to take your cyber security defences to a level higher.

Outcome 5: Excellent Maturity Level

If your score reveals that your organisation has a moderate maturity level, it means that it demonstrates a high level of cyber security maturity with highly effective practices and readiness for advanced threats. As cyber-attacks are continuously ever-evolving to become more and more sophisticated, maintaining collaborations with trusted cyber security experts will definitely keep your cyber security defences at their best.

Be Cyber-wise and Thrive

Empower your business with cyber security solutions tailored specifically to your needs. Contact New Era today to assess, improve, and secure your business toward an excellent cyber security maturity. 

Author: New Era Technology

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