New Era Contributes to Notre Dame’s Campus Crossroads Project


University of Notre Dame – Campus Crossroads

Adding over 800,000 square feet to a pre-existing stadium is no minor task

The University of Notre Dame’s Campus Crossroads project did just that, making it the university’s largest building initiative in history. Over the course of a year and a half, New Era’s Indiana office contributed to help make the stadium a year-round hub to include academic, performance, digital media, hospitality, and student life.

While each space required a unique blend of technology to meet the broad wingspan of functional needs, the sophistication of audio, video and control transport also demanded the integration throughout to be manageable by various UND support staff and departments following project completion. The result was the most integrated collection of AV Systems on the entire campus. Contributions included stadium and concourse audio, as well as nearly 120 AV systems that are utilized for classrooms, conference rooms, locker rooms, and music rooms. Additionally, IPTV, digital signage throughout the stadium, CCTV, access control, broadcast cabling, and theatrical rigging and lighting were included.

Working very closely with Barton Malow, the Design-Builder selected for the project, Neal Morton, VP of Barton Malow shared, “This was a well-planned and well-delivered experience. New Era provided value-engineering options that were forward-thinking in design and respectful of the project budget.” Morton added, “Not only did we work collectively on multiple complex systems, but they were able to provide uniquely-qualified staff on systems critical to the UND Campus crossroads project.”

This project received a 2019 Integrator Award by Commercial Integrator for Best Large Venue.

Additional Resources

To learn more, download the full case study here.

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