One of the foremost factors for businesses on the path towards digital transformation is the need to act on insightful analytics from their operational data and use them for their current sustenance and future growth. Conventional Business Intelligence platforms cannot fully meet the requirements for businesses to look for new ways to optimize their processes, dive-deep into Big Data, and refine their operational models based on data trends and patterns. What’s required is a modern and unified business intelligence suite that leverages the latest technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Predictive Analysis, amongst others.

Microsoft’s Power BI suite, a part of Power Platform, effectively addresses the challenges seen in disparate and legacy analytics platforms. The suite is one of the most prominent BI tools used in current times. It enables businesses to dive deep into structured and unstructured data and uncover hidden insights crucial to business operations. While simple data analysis with Power BI requires no technical knowledge, complex requirements need a reliable technology partner, and that’s where New Era Technology comes into place.

New Era, a Microsoft Solution Partner, offers comprehensive Power BI solutions to help businesses with intelligent and intuitive insights from various data sources and applications. Our solutions give you the right impetus for optimizing operational processes, expanding your operations, and strategizing a roadmap for the future.

Key Aspects of New Era’s Power BI Solutions

Extended Data Visualization

Power BI offers extensive data visualization capabilities that provide enriching insights in interactive dashboards that are easy to use. Dashboards facilitate collaborative working and are easy to export in various formats.


Data Connectivity

The suite has close to 500+ connectors that connect to a wide range of on-prem and cloud-based data sources and applications such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics. Such connectivity enables you to use your existing data source from your technology stack without migrating data.

Big Data Analysis

Power BI connects to Big Data sources and enables easy analysis of high-volume unstructured data. Such analysis helps you to get insights from vast sets of operational and transactional data and use the insights for better data-driven decision-making.


Granular Data Analysis

Power BI’s vast data mining capabilities help you discover previously unknown analytic insights when compared to legacy BI platforms. The Predictive Analysis feature gives a futuristic projection based on current data trends and patterns and is vital for future business planning.


Data Security

Data security in Power BI is provided through the native capabilities of the Microsoft platform and enables custom configuration and security enhancements. With Power BI, your crucial enterprise data is entirely secure from unauthenticated access. It facilitates the implementation of your custom governance policies to align your Power BI application with your current data usage models.

Reporting Capabilities

The suite offers comprehensive and interactive reporting models, which can be pre-defined and configured per your business requirements. Easy sharing in various formats enables simplified access across your organization, with built-in scheduling capabilities. The Power BI Report Builder simplifies reporting in on-prem deployments and facilitates users to easily navigate its extensive reporting capabilities, such as charts, maps, free-form reports, etc.

Self-Service Analytics and Natural Language Capabilities in Power BI

Power BI offers self-service analytics that enables even a novice user to use the application for specific individual requirements. Such a capability helps your entire workforce to use its BI capabilities, making it easily accessible. In addition, Power BI allows querying in a user’s natural language, with the drag-and-drop interface making it simple to generate a query with auto-suggestions and configuration options.

Key Benefits of Power BI

Simplified BI

Leverage the drag-and-drop interface of Power BI for building custom dashboards and reports with perfect ease of usage.

AI and ML Capabilities

AI and ML capabilities in Power BI make it easy to analyze complex data models and derive insights that are hitherto unknown to conventional BI tools.

Embedded Dashboards

Power BI’s native capabilities make its dashboards and reports easily embedded within a wide range of applications.


Power BI can be accessed through a wide range of devices such as desktops, tablets, and mobiles, giving your users the required flexibility for anytime and anywhere access.

Real-Time Data Updates

With Power BI, you can have real-time insights with automatic data refreshes at scheduled intervals, giving you an instantaneous overview of current operations.

To know more about how Power BI can accelerate your digital transformation journey, contact us, and our Power BI experts will be glad to help.
