
Industry news and insight from the New Era Technology team

Four Steps Intelligent Business Leaders Use to Adopt Copilot for Microsoft ...
Generative AI is revolutionizing various business operations, promising enhanced efficiency, creativity, and decision-ma...
Lorena Lane, Senior Consultant and Generative AI Practice Lead
23 Jul, 2024
The Reality of Copilot for Microsoft 365: 10 Use Cases That Reveal Its True...
Microsoft’s Copilot for Microsoft 365 promises to revolutionize workplace productivity by embedding AI-driven assi...
Lorena Lane, Senior Consultant and Generative AI Practice Lead
17 Jul, 2024
Getting Started Using AI in Cybersecurity
Using AI in Cybersecurity: An Overview Artificial intelligence (AI) has become indispensable in cybersecurity as cyber t...
Eric Peterson, Director of Cyber Security Operations
10 Jul, 2024
Video Alarm Services and Artificial Intelligence
Video Surveillance is an important security measure for commercial establishments, organizations, and educational insti...
New Era Technology
18 Jun, 2024

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