Digital Transformation

Enhancing the Hybrid Workplace: Collaboration Between Microsoft Places and ...
Since the announcement of Microsoft Places, we have to look at its’ potential impact on workplace communication. While...
Justin Alexander, DS Solutions Engineer
Enhancing Team Productivity with AI Collaboration Tools
Harnessing the capabilities of AI tools has been an emerging topic. Businesses seek to leverage AI to create efficiencie...
Rob Westwood, Director, Product & Solution Design, GVC
AI-Powered Cybersecurity: Future-Proofing in a Digital Age
AI-Powered Cybersecurity with New Era’s SecureBlu: Future-Proofing Businesses in a Digital Age In our increasingly...
Kevin Scott, Director of Security Architecture & Engineering
Artificial Intelligence’s Role in Education
Introduction In the webinar led by Tony Gilbert, NZ Sales Director, New Era Technology, we delved into the evolving land...
New Era Technology
Streamlining Operations: The Role of AI in Business Process Automation
The world produces more data in two days than it had between the beginning of humanity and 2003. Approximately 2.7 trill...
Marie-Helene Savard, Executive Director Customer Experience
The Future of Video Surveillance: AI-Powered Analytics & Physical Secu...
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, we are hearing more and more about how Artificial Intelligence is resh...
John Ringis, National Director Physical Security Global Enterprise (GE)

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