
Industry news and insight from the New Era Technology team

Enhancing the Hybrid Workplace: Collaboration Between Microsoft Places and ...
Since the announcement of Microsoft Places, we have to look at its’ potential impact on workplace communication. While...
Justin Alexander, DS Solutions Engineer
17 Jun, 2024
Improving Remote Team Culture With Communication Tools
Remote work is fast becoming the new norm. With the pandemic displacing physical workplaces, organizations were forced t...
New Era Technology
1 May, 2024
Improve Workplace Productivity with Visual Collaboration Spaces
Business communication has increasingly adopted virtual conversations, with the pandemic making users collaborate global...
Eric Bixler, National Director of AV Solutions
17 Apr, 2024
Increase Collaboration with These Technologies
​A decade ago, businesses sought to foster collaboration and camaraderie through open floor plans, tables over individ...
New Era Technology
8 Aug, 2023
Don’t Leave Gaps: AV Design & User Experience Strategy for Micro...
With any major video collaboration deployment there are some key factors in the design and planning phase, which organiz...
Vicky Hart
25 Apr, 2023
Using VR and Digital Signage Together to Propel Your Business
It is a well-heard rumor that virtual reality is going to take over anything and everything in its path. However, it is ...
Darren Brown, AV Solutions Visual Designer, CTS
20 Sep, 2022

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