New Era has implemented several cloud transformation projects for schools, so we know what works and what doesn’t.
Typically, this is the process we go through when undertaking a cloud transformation.

Customer Snapshot: Allenvale School
One of our customers recently completed a cloud transformation.
Allenvale School, based in Christchurch, has been on an ICT journey to modernise how they teach and collaborate. Allenvale School is in the process of building a brand-new school; consequently, they reviewed their current systems. During the review, we identified a significant opportunity to improve the operational side and reduce costs surrounding hosting servers.
Since the upgrade, the school has seen a saving of $3,384 per year just in server hosting fees. Staff satisfaction is the proof in the pudding.
“I want to say a big thank you to New Era for the smooth transition from server to the cloud…Your staff were obliging and helpful at all times. I am impressed with how smoothly things went and the fact that we experienced no disruption or problems. Considering the significance and size of what was changed over I feel New Era deserve full credit for the success of this.”
Read more about what cloud transformation is and how it can benefit your school.