How to Increase Physical School Security with AV Installations

By Joe Gillis, VP of Sales, GVC - 27 Sep, 2023
Collaboration & UC Physical Security
5 Minutes Read

Rampant security incidents at school campuses have increased focus on making the environment more secure. According to a survey conducted by EdChoice’s 11th Annual Schooling in America Survey for 2023, as quoted in Forbes1, a stunning aggregate of about 77% of respondents across various levels of priority said they were concerned that a violent intruder might enter their child’s school campus. This report shows the enormous importance of security in schools, which modern technology can greatly enrich.

There is an urgent underlying need to make the environment secure, monitored, and with easy threat detection and remediation capabilities, which is possible with AV security solutions for schools.

Schools and campuses nationwide are stepping up their security game now more than ever. Previously, the only way to enhance physical school security was through security guards, metal detectors, and other security devices. While these tools are highly effective, we live in a technological age. Digital signage and AV installations can aid in new and robust campus security strategies. Let’s examine why AV security installations are critical for making school campuses more secure.

Physical School Security Defined

School security needs much more than a locked door and an eight-foot fence around campus. AV security installations for schools take a simple locked door and reinforce it using state-of-the-art technology to secure and defend the students within those four walls. Schools nationwide are beginning to see the light and turning to AV security installation firms for help.

AV Organizations are Making a Difference in Physical School Security

Various programs, including the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS), the Security Industry Association, and the National Systems Contractors Association, are working with schools to strategize using AV technology guidelines and security requirements. Companies across the United States use their technical capabilities to develop solutions to address the need.

The PASS K-12 program, developed by the above organizations, provides guidelines, standards, and security strategies that cover the entire campus, from parking lots to classrooms and boundary perimeters, with security features such as access controls, video surveillance, and visitor authentication. It also includes procedures such as regular security drills, processes for security staff, mock alarms, emergency response management, communication protocols, evacuation procedures, active shooter response, lockdowns, and vulnerability assessments.

This set of resources helps strengthen the existing security strategies in schools using modern technology. AV installations and digital signage equipment are vital in the above implementations and provide the solutions to implement school security effectively.

Due to increased demand, AV firms and developers are increasing their security system production. Among your typical surveillance equipment: monitored security systems, fire alarm integrations, automated intruder alarms and lockdown systems, entry and exit management systems, access control systems, camera surveillance, video intercoms, metal detectors, threat reporting systems, and communication equipment, amongst others are being developed for the making the notch higher in school security.

Schools also have the option to seek a professional security service provider with customized services, such as our Physical Security and Life Safety solutions.

Paving the Way for AV Installation Security

More work is required to increase physical security through AV installations in schools. Organizations have been putting efforts throughout the United States, paving the way for AV installation security in schools. However, before we can take advantage of the reliable and robust capabilities of AV security systems in schools, we need to consider the below aspects.

Increased Safety Budgets

States across the USA are asking for additional room in the budget for school safety initiatives. AV installations are created and customized to fit each organization personally, leading to justified costs. The budget will need to grow to meet the demand to implement any new security features, even AV installations.

Currently, school districts and states are beginning to make changes to the budget to make way for better implementation of modern security strategies. These changes, mixed with the capabilities of AV technology, can increase school security and give a sense of safety to both students and parents.

Mind on Infrastructure

AV installations will enhance the features of already established security strategies within a campus or organization. Campuses should still consider their infrastructure before choosing an AV security system. Metal detectors, reinforced windows, security alarms, and other associated equipment will need to be used with AV installations to experience the highest level of security possible.

Technology Needs to be Implemented Now

Some forms of technology should be implemented now, before an AV installation within the campus. This strategy allows time for the campus to get used to using the technology and puts procedures in place that will only need tweaking instead of creation.

AV installations are also being implemented in schools as educational tools, increasing accessibility, enhancing curriculum, and training our students for the future with hands-on education. This type of curriculum, mixed with the AV installation’s ability to strengthen our security, is our first look at the school of the future.

We must continue increasing our awareness about these products, discussing our budgeting strategy, enhancing our tech prowess by embracing it, and remembering the importance of basic physical security, even with AV in the mix. It’s time to protect the greatest assets, the students, with the greatest available tools. If you’d like to learn more about AV installations and your security measures, contact New Era Technology today.



Author: Joe Gillis, VP of Sales, GVC

Joe Gillis, a graduate of Loyola University, began his career with FTG Technologies, a New Era Technology company, in 2010 as an Account Executive. After proving his skills in team-building, client interaction, and developing strategic relationships, he was promoted to Sales Manager in 2012. Today, Joe continues to lead the sales team and serves as a member of the senior management team. When Joe isn’t leading the sales team he enjoys time with his young family and is an avid golfer. Prior to joining FTG, Joe worked for the PGA Tour within Tournament Operations.

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