Industry news and insight from the New Era Technology team
Online Safety is at the heart of educational reform
Online safety for too long has been a bit of a Cinderella subject, popping out once a year in line with Safer Internet D...What should children do when faced with something upsetting online?
The internet has changed the world we live in and whilst it has changed most things for the better, there are some aspec...Why the statutory guidance on Relationships and Health Education should be ...
This week saw the publication of the draft statutory guidance on Relationships and Health Education for primary schools ...Top ten tips for using SchoolPing (advice from an ex-primary school teacher...
Our latest recruit Natasha Gibbs is an ex teacher and wished she had been able to have a tool like SchoolPing in her Sch...Safer Internet Day Competition Winners
Last month, we ran a competition for Safer Internet Day 2019, encouraging pupils from across the country to design a pos... /*php get_sidebar(); */ ?>