Colin Green accepted as an affiliate of the Association of Adult and Child Online Specialists

By Vicky Hart - 7 Nov, 2019
2 Minutes Read
Association of Adult and Child Online Specialists

We are delighted to announce that Colin Green, Director of Education for New Era has been accepted as an affiliate of the Association of Adult and Child Online Specialists. This is a recognition of both the expertise that we possess as a company as well as our commitment to ensuring that primary-aged children are not only protected online but also are enabled to develop their understanding of the online world and their digital resilience. This follows on quickly from the accreditation for our resources and training through the CPD Accreditation service earlier this year.

Why is this significant?

Both developments are significant for New Era, our customers and those that attend our online safety events, training and briefing. Teaching Online Safety in School, the non-statutory guidance from the DfE acknowledges the role that external visitors and experts can play in supporting schools in developing their policies and delivering suitable training. It acknowledges the difficulties schools can face in keeping up to date in such a dynamic area. It recognises that external consultants and companies can offer invaluable advice, guidance and knowledge.

The guidance also stresses, however, the importance of quality assuring visitors and sources to ensure that they provide accurate, effective information that fits into the whole school offering. Teaching Online Safety in Schools points to the UK Council for Internet Safety guidance for educational settings seeking support from external visitors and with our accreditations and memberships schools can rest assured that New Era not only possess the required skills and knowledge, provide quality, appropriate resources and convey key messages that are up to date and in line with the best practice.

As affiliated members of AACOSS we are signed up to the code of conduct for the association. This is underpinned by the core values of respect, integrity and professionalism. We are fully committed to these values and the wider code.

If you wish to find out more about the Association for Adult and Child Online Specialists click here.

If you wish to find out more about the CPD Accreditation Service click here.


Author: Vicky Hart

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