Longfield Primary School used DB Primary to switch to home learning

4 Minutes Read

Longfield Primary School in Middlesex have been using DB Primary to compliment their school provisions for over 4 years. Three months ago, when the world of schooling changed overnight, they had a solution in place, which allowed them to switch to remote learning and keep school community alive.

We caught up with Saamia Mohammed to find out more about how they have been using DB Primary to keep learning going.

What has been the biggest benefit DB Primary has provided to your school?

DB Primary has allowed the school to continue providing children with learning opportunities throughout the school closure period. Previously, it has been used as a way of communicating information to parents, posting homework and setting online tasks for children. The children also use the email and forum features.

What were the main reasons behind your original purchase of DB Primary?

The school was previously using another platform, which was challenging to use and maintain. DB Primary provided an age appropriate platform, which was easy for all members of staff to manage regardless of technical ability.

How has your use of DB Primary changed throughout the last few months?

DB Primary has become the main channel of communication between staff and children over the past few months. Alongside daily lessons, staff have also used it to create online discussions through the blog and forum features. Some staff have also created videos to share with the children.

What do you think is the most important aspect of DB Primary?

Collaboration tools i.e. blogs and forums. This has allowed communication to remain open between staff, pupils and peers as well as the giving the opportunity to share work to the wider school community.

How have the teachers used DB to teach compliment their teaching and teach remotely?

Teachers have posted work daily for children to access as well as responding to any questions through the email system. It has also been used as a tool to display and share children’s work. Staff have also been able to see who has logged on, for how long and when to keep on top of who is completing work.

How have the children engaged with DB Primary to supplement their learning?

The children log in to DB Primary to access messages from their teachers, their daily remote learning and email any questions. Some children have also had their work shared and commented on by their classmates. Also, many of the children have been using the email function to keep in contact with one another. Children are also accessing the resources from the online library.

What has been the impact of using DB Primary?

DB Primary has allowed the children in our school to access online learning and the ability to communicate with each other and staff in a safe place.

How do you anticipate using the platform to help with the transition back into school?

The remote learning and the work taught in school will be the same. So, whether a child attends school or not, they will be able to access the same tasks. We plan to continue to use this for communication with the children, as not all children will be able to attend school and some will not be with their class teacher.

How do you think your use of the platform will change when schools fully return?

We will continue to use this to set homework and allow communication between the school community. I will encourage the use of blogs to celebrate children’s work and make more use of the excellent curriculum resources in the learning library.

Want to find out how you can use DB Primary to teach remotely?

If you would like to know more about DB Primary and how it can be used to maintain school community and teach remotely, please visit our web page or get in touch with our team.

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