What should children do when faced with something upsetting online?

By Vicky Hart - 22 Mar, 2019
3 Minutes Read

The internet has changed the world we live in and whilst it has changed most things for the better, there are some aspects of the online world that can be quite scary.

There have been lots of things reported in the press over the last few weeks and whilst some of these things are unsubstantiated, it has really highlighted the importance of teaching the future generation how to react and respond to anything they find upsetting.

This is one of the reasons we have created our Stop, Check, Share ethos.

The most worrying aspect of the online world is the lack of control that parents might have over what their children are exposed to. Often things can appear without warning and regardless of the parental controls in place.

So what are we meant to do?

There may be an inclination to eradicate access to the internet. As a company we don’t support this. For us, the most important thing we can do as parents, educators and adults, is teach our next generation of learners how to operate safely online.

Here are some simple rules you can share with your little future digital citizens

Stop – Review what you are doing, slow down and don’t react quickly. If you see something you don’t like, then don’t click on it. If something appears during a video or article you are viewing, close it. Don’t respond to any messages which make you feel upset of uncomfortable.

Check – Don’t ever pass the message or content on. Check that what you are seeing or being asked is something you are happy with and doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. Remember that the internet is public and anything you share could be seen, shared or copied by others.

Share – If you find anything upsetting then make sure you TELL someone. A trusted adult will be able to help you block it and report it effectively. If you don’t know who your trusted adult is, talk to a teacher or parent to find out more.

How can you spot signs of online manipulation?

We have produced an online guide to help parents safeguard children online. It includes 10 behaviour indicators as well as some useful links to other resources.

Download a copy now

More information

If you would like more information about how to keep children safe online or how our product suite can be used to teach online safety in schools. Get in touch with our team.

Author: Vicky Hart

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