Why online learning is here to stay for primary-aged children

By Sidsel Loyche - 11 Oct, 2022
3 Minutes Read

Gone are the days of forced remote education due to Covid. Now most of us are back in the classrooms, but even so, there is a need and a place for online learning.

Children need to understand how the online world works; how to behave, how to stay safe and what information to share. The best way of studying this is of course by being online and explore this in a secure environment.

Scanning the market for EdTech solutions that can provide online learning in a safe space will give you a whole heap of brands and products to choose from. So how to know what solution to pick? Before we dive into our suggestions, we would also like to highlight that whilst some products are free to use, they will oftentimes collect and store user data, meaning that those educational technologies are putting children at risk of commercial exploitation. Read more about that here

Pick the best solution for you

Online safety is a statutory requirement, meaning that is has to be taught and children have to be kept safe while online. So to find a solution that fits your education now, and into the future, make sure you plan for progression. Do not buy EdTech with only one level of use. Find a solution that teaches what to share, how to interact, how to report bad behaviour and how to collaborate whilst staying safe.

Create a clear picture of what you want from your chosen solution; what are you working on now and what is next? How will you get there? A good solution will help facilitate many lessons to come, in a wider range of functions.

What if it goes wrong? Don’t worry. Making mistakes is a key part of learning. As long as your solution allows for auditing and tracking activity, errors can be a learning opportunity. Put safety at heart by minimising risk but be prepared for children making mistakes.

What we offer

Our solution DB Primary is a platform that will put the security of data and the absence of profiling at the heart. A solution that provides primary-aged children with their own pages for homework and tasks as well as a personal blog that will help students understand why they have completed a task, and how that is developing them as a person.

Shared class blogs, wiki pages and forums are all great tools for collaboration while understanding and respecting each others values and ideas. Alongside the email function these also help with relationship education.

And finally, our solution is filled with fact-files that are constantly being updated and a learning library full of fun lessons that can be completed at home or in class.


At New Era Technology we sell an online learning platform directed toward primary-aged children and their teachers, but we fully support the age-appropriate design code and use no third parties to fund our product. We have a unique offering in our multi-layered product that continue to bring important knowledge to your classroom today and in the future.

For more inspiration on how DB Primary can be used to teach online safety, please contact us.

Author: Sidsel Loyche

ISO-IEC 27001 certification
Cyber essentials
Microsoft partner

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New Era Technology's managed services, cloud, collaboration, data networking, security solutions help more than 20,000 worldwide customers adapt to a rapidly changing digital world, increase productivity and enhance learning experiences.


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