See how SchoolPing makes communication at St Peters CE Primary more efficient and more cost effective

2 Minutes Read

St. Peter’s School is a one form entry co-educational voluntary aided Church of England primary school within the Manchester Diocese. This 210 pupil school caters for children aged 3 to 11 years.

Here John Wilson the Headteacher gives his feedback on the benefits SchoolPing has brought to the school.

How did you previously communicate with your parents and what products were you using (if any)?

We communicated via a text messaging service and paper.

What was your main reason for choosing SchoolPing?

SchoolPing was very easy to use and we liked the idea that everything could be communicated through the app on a mobile phone.

How much do you estimate you have saved on printing and texting costs using SchoolPing?

£3,000 – £4,000 per year.

How has SchoolPing helped the office team?

The office are able to send out instant communications to our families. We can personalise to classes, individuals and different groups within the school.

How has your parent community reacted to SchoolPing?

Our families have communicated how efficient SchoolPing is.  They love using the app on their phones and they feel they are regularly updated about school life.

What has been the biggest benefit to your school since implementing SchoolPing?

SchoolPing has been an incredibly useful tool during the pandemic. With the educational landscape rapidly changing because of Covid, we have been able to speak with our stakeholders at the touch of a button.  This has been especially important when we have had to close ‘class bubbles’ with little notice. We also like the fact that we can schedule messages for parents, staff and governors and that we can create bespoke subgroups to communicate with. It has without doubt helped to reduce workload within our workplace.

What do you use the SchoolPing ‘Forms’ system for?

We have used this to carry out staff and parental surveys. Subject leaders have also created subject-specific surveys. The analytical tool and pie chart facility is also a time saver!

How have you been using SchoolPing to help manage communications throughout the pandemic?

We have been sending regular updates to all stakeholders. This has included school risk assessments, lockdown measures and wider opening communications.

 Want to find out how SchoolPing could help your school?

If you would like more information about SchoolPing, visit our webpage or contact a member of our team directly.

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