How do you simplify the on-boarding and servicing of your online accounts whilst ensuring that they remain secure?

By Vicky Hart - 2 Jan, 2019
4 Minutes Read

Staff are stretched…students are busy…So how do you simplify the on-boarding and servicing of your online accounts whilst ensuring that they remain secure?

It happens often. The IT department is overstretched or pressured by multiple priorities, so processes are put in place to make it easy to tell users what their credentials are. It’s not a problem because everyone is told to change their password when they first log in – right? But if they forget their credentials…then things start to get complicated.

And of course, processes start to fail. Users have to email, call or struggle to reset with non-user-friendly steps. For busy colleagues, there may be no time on first log-in to remember to change their passwords. Or changing them may cause more issues because only the user knows their password and they’ve already forgotten it! So, the support desk ends up fielding email and call traffic to manage the clear-up. Except it’s a never ending clear-up. They are already busy with getting visitors registered and logged-in and a host of other issues.

Customers are used to quick self-admin of passwords but when it comes to enterprise systems…some aspects have just not caught-up.


How does Able+ cloud simplify the on-boarding of new accounts?

First, we are managing their identity, so we know who they are and what they can access and how…so users can be auto emailed to their work addresses on creation, informing them their username and enabling them to set their own password. This means there is no need for guessable formats…as the correct information is put directly into the hands of the relevant user. The on-boarding is automated and it’s not just the passwords that are set but access to groups, their relevant applications and the permissions and the security level or authentication required.

Where the email “starter” process is not practical, users can be given an initial access password and a  password change is then enforced at the first log-in.


How does Able+ Cloud help the age-old problem of users remembering their passwords?

Well, literally, the answer to this conundrum may be a little way off. But it’s about the ease yet secure approach that does what it can to assist. For this challenge, Able+ offers several helpful features. Single sign-on to other applications means that users only need to remember one password. Once logged-in to Able, they can then access any application that they are authorised to use without remembering additional credentials. They only see what they are authorised to see and use.

But what if one password is still too many to remember – particularly if the required password strength means that their ‘usual’ type of password can’t be used?  This is where things often get forgotten. Not a problem. Able+ provides self-service password reset – either by sending an email to an authorised email address or by inviting the user to correctly answer a required number of security questions. A familiar process from any modern app or efficient customer service…except underneath, you are running state of the art security and identity management practices and processes.


What flexibility does Able+ Cloud offer?

Able+ has the flexibility to enable your organisation to choose the security questions that they believe will be most useful to their users – and even supports different questions to be allocated and be applied to different user types. All levels of security including Multi-Factor Authentication can be set according to role, group and location for example. For the B2C scenario where you have visitors to look after, these can be uploaded with pre-defined permissions and timed accounts…automatically or manually…all ready to work when they need to.

That leaves IT Support free and able to focus on core tasks and the customer, whether student, lecturer, colleague, fellow, alumni or visitor with a great user experience to get on with what they set out to do in the first place.


More information?

If you would like to know about Able+ cloud and how we can transform your identity and access management strategy – contact our team or book a demo.

Author: Vicky Hart

ISO-IEC 27001 certification
Cyber essentials
Microsoft partner

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