Admin work made quicker and more efficient with SchoolPing

3 Minutes Read

Southill Primary School is situated on the outskirts of Weymouth. With 215 students currently attending classes daily, printing letters and sending texts can take up a lot of time; especially for the admin team. The office staff were all too aware of this and needed a better solution to save time and money.

Before choosing SchoolPing we communicated with parents mainly via text messages and physical letters. Being able to now do this electronically and have the flexibility to enable parents to reply to our messages really has saved us a lot of time. We were also limited in our text messages to a certain amount of characters which made sending certain messages difficult.

They go on to describe the ease of collecting consent forms via SchoolPing compared to slips of paper that would often end up lost or wet when trusted to a child.

Other benefits we’ve seen since installing Schoolping are the ability to send information to either particular groups of parents or the whole school when needed. It’s also a great way to send parents a message that their child has done really well at a particular subject for example.

How has your parent community reacted to SchoolPing?

We very quickly got 100% of parents downloading the app. It’s been highly appreciated for the parents evening booking system allowing the flexibility of booking an appointment at a suitable time rather than having to book during school office hours. The application also allows for easy amendment if needed, and it’s been a huge help for parents needing several meetings with different teachers.

And how has SchoolPing helped the office team?

Apart from saving us both time and money the system has been really useful when it comes to checking who has seen our messages and who hasn’t. The ease of getting consent for school trips or information about absence directly into the office has helped us tremendously

How have you been using SchoolPing to help manage communications throughout the pandemic?

We used the Forms to allow Key workers to book places for their children during all three lockdown situations, enabling us to get the right number of staff in each day. It was a great tool for sending updates to home schooling parents, and parents were able to use SchoolPing to order meals for their children as our food supplier had stopped their online booking syste.

Want to find out how SchoolPing could help your school?

If you would like more information about SchoolPing, visit our webpage or contact a member of our team directly.

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